Vessel was initially designed to contain and grow jasmine. Jasmine itself is the main conceptual and visual inspiration with it’s pentagonal shape created by 5 lobes.

Jasmine needs minimal sunlight and partial shade the rest of the time. The opening in the vessel allows for sunlight during 2 to 4 hours a day.

The opening is another area for water to get into the plant.

The opening allows for the scent of jasmine to emit into a space once the sun goes down. Jasmine’s scent is most potent during temperature changes.

The opening also allows for vine jasmine to grow freely.

The shape chosen for the vessel module is a pentagon because Jasmine flowers typically have 5 lobes.

Jasmine needs to be planted in an area where it can drain well. The spouts at the top and bottom of the module are to let water in and out of the vessel, allowing the jasmine to take what it needs.


Dragonblade Publishing


Sophie Barnes